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The Story

Progression not perfection

Ian AKA MIRAAGE is both a musician and a motivational speaker. Born and raised in Lexington, KY. The style of the music however has a New York, 90's hip-hop vibe spiced with horns and jazz sounds. This along with his voice creates musical tracks with soul and passion. MIRAAGE has been making music since he was very young and has been making it seriously since 2010.


 He debuted his first full length project, "Donuts & Coffee" in 2015 which is a tribute album to the late great James Dewitt Yancy AKA J Dilla. The album displays his lyrical prowess and complexity over the instrumentation provided by J Dilla's "Donuts" album. He continues to provide lyrical intricacy and yet stay simple to make sure the message connects with his audience. He brings back true soul music into the industry that is now so hard to find. 


Ian is also an activist for foster youth and youth with disabilities. He started speaking at different events and conferences at age 15. He uses humor and music to connect with both youth and families on various topics that he relates to through his 13 years that he spent in the foster care system. Recently he has spoken at the annual KECSAC conference (Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children) and has also spoken at several events throughout the state.  He also has been involved with different organizations building the futures for youth such as TAYLRD (Transition Age Youth Launching Realized Dreams), YMO (Youth MOVE Oregon), and NYTD (National Youth in Transition Database). He has used these experiences to develop himself into a speaker delivering a powerful, informative, creative and entertaining message every time he grips a microphone. 

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